Holy Days of Obligation
Holy Days of Obligation are important days in the Catholic liturgical year that require Catholics to attend Mass. They are reminders of God’s love for us.
⦁ No Mass on Mondays
⦁ Holy Days of Obligation: 11 am & 6 pm
When a group of African American families in the Greenville area of South Carolina, during the time of segregation, decided to form a black Catholic community. Their cause and journey were taken on by many people over the years. The first to undertake their mission was Rev. Fr. Sydney F. Dean a diocesan priest who was assigned as the assistant pastor at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Greenville, South Carolina.
In the mid-1930s, Fr. Dean felt called to evangelize the African American community. His initial work of evangelization was done in collaboration with the Sisters of Mercy whose convent was located at St. Mary’s parish. On September24, 1934, Fr. Dean organized the St. Peter Claver Society. The first members of the society were baptized into the Catholic faith in May 1935.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church is a vibrant faith and diverse community which exist in the heart of the City of Greenville in South Carolina.
There is no stranger at St. Anthony’s, as the Church welcomes and celebrates all who walk in its door. Built on Faith, Charity and Compassion, there is a place for everyone to become part of the parish family.
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church is committed to evangelizing and forming Disciples of Christ throughout our Parish and our community through a culture of gratitude.
Director of Adult Faith Formation and Discipleship
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School serves students in grades K3-5th Grade in a state-of-the-art facility in West Greenville, SC. Our school is fully accredited through Cognia. Under the auspices of the Catholic Diocese of Charleston, Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic School continues to provide a Christ-centered, Catholic education and welcomes students of all socio-economic and faith backgrounds.
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School, proudly diverse, and centered in Jesus Christ, educates and inspires students to be life-long learners and prepares them for lives of leadership and service as builders of the kingdom of God.
Holy Days of Obligation are important days in the Catholic liturgical year that require Catholics to attend Mass. They are reminders of God’s love for us.
Jay Pitts, Directory of Stewardship &
Ministries Coordinator
Copyright © 2025 . St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church . All Right Reserved.
Welcoming all people to worship God in the African American Catholic Spirituality.
307 Gower Street, Greenville, SC 29611
Parish Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 9am-4pm
At St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, parents must be parishioners and attend a Baptism Preparation Class with their Godparent(s) unless excused. The preparation class is held on the third Thursday of the each month at 6:00 pm in the St. Anthony’s Classroom (Classroom A or B). It is designed to give parents a firm understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism, and the meaning of the words, gestures, sacramentals, clothing, and prayers that are used in the Baptism.
During the class the parents will complete the Baptism Registration Form, learn how to schedule their child’s Baptism and learn about Godparents. St. Anthony requires that one Godparent be Catholic. A Godparent that is not a parishioner of St. Anthony’s must provide a letter of good standing from their Church. Parents and Godparents can email Deacon Dexter Gourdin at dextergourdin@charlestondiocese.org with their questions.
Kyle Hall Director Of Administration w/email - kyle.hall@charlestondiocese.org
The Holy Eucharist is the second step in Christian initiation. The sacrament of first Eucharist is offered to children in second grade or older in the spring of each year. Preparation is done via Religious Education at St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, unless the child attends religious classes at a Catholic school. Special considerations are available. For information on Religious Education, contact Debra Drennon at DDrennon@charlestondiocese.org.
Baptized adults, who desire the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation for the first time, may participate in the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) or by special arrangement. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices. For information on RCIA, contact Deacon Phil Allen at philallen@charlestondiocese.org or tel: 864-967-4263.
There is a formation process that culminates with the Sacrament of Confirmation, celebrated by the Bishop of Diocese of Charleston. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church provides excellent catechesis which aims to strengthen and invigorate the faith life of the young Church. Religious Education classes are held every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. The date of Confirmation is decided by the Bishop each year.
To register your child for Confirmation, please contact Debra Drennon at DDrennon@charlestondiocese.org.